Hey people out there you may have started to read a website called myworldish...well if you have I sort of got bored with it so I disidead to make a blog about well random things that me and my friends found funny, or just things about my day or just I do/watch/eat.

You are proberbaly think why did she call her site Giraffes are kool well one thing I like Giraffes and they are kool, and when I started the blog my Giraffe statute was next me and I thought well i might as well say giraffes are kool. However I will proberbaly change the name to what ever-but you will always find it under http://giraffesarecool.weebly.com/ even if the name on the proper site is different.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2013

